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Fiction Test

Please read these directions carefully. Some students do not do well on this easy exam simply because they do not apply themselves to each bullet point listed below.


  • Choose ten (10) of the twelve (12) literary terms below.
  • If you respond to more than ten (10), I will simply grade the first ten, so choose only ten terms.
  • Discuss the terms following these guidelines:
    • Your response must discuss the term in light of the short fiction we’ve read this semester. You must use the stories we read to discuss these terms.
    • Your response must include examples from at least two (2) short stories we have read for class. For instance, if you choose the term “narrator,” then you should use two examples to explain the significance of the narrator with regard to the theme of the story. You do not have to stick with the same two stories for each of the ten terms. You may mix and match as you see fit, but you must provide two examples.
    • Your response should explain how the term reveals or contributes to the theme of the story. What is the significance? Why did the author select that particular literary device to make his point?
    • This is not an essay assignment. Please keep your responses short. No more than three to five sentences should do it. I simply want to see that you understand the term and can apply it to two of the stories we read.


    1. plot
    2. conflict
    3. symbol
    4. theme
    5. foreshadowing
    6. setting
    7. dynamic or static character
    8. protagonist or antagonist
    9. epiphany
    10. narrator (including explanations of first, third person, omniscient)
    11. point of view
    12. an example of either showing or telling


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