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Go to the University of Colorado at Boulder PhET’s Interactive Simulations website and complete three simulations of your choice. Be prepared to discuss.
Go to the University of Colorado at Boulder PhET’s Interactive Simulations website and complete three simulations of your choice. Be prepared to discuss. ...
Go to the University of Colorado at Boulder PhET’s Interactive Simulations website and complete three simulations of your choice. Be prepared to discuss.
From the discussion preparation, identify and describe one of the three simulations you completed.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction and learning provided to students.
Include the anticipated targeted age group and grade and how the simulation can be integrated into the classroom.
Here is the link for the simulations to complete to assist with the discussions, let me know if you have any issue with the link, or assignment, please..
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It’s pretty straightforward, but if you get stuck at any step, please feel free to contact us at any time for a chat.