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Identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two specific objectives included in the sample lesson
Identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two specific objectives included in the sample lesson ...
A lesson plan is a written document that lays out how a teacher will present instruction on a daily basis. It is important to know that most lesson plan templates have several components that require completion.
In this activity, you are provided the Week 9 Sample Lesson Plan [DOCX], in which you will identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two specific objectives and theories related to the strategies included in the Problem-Solving and Standards of Learning (SOL) Concept portion of the plan.
For this assignment you will create comments in Microsoft Word to label your lesson plan. See the plan for further instructions. Specifically, you will:
Identify the learning theory that is applicable to the two specific objectives included in the sample lesson.
Identify the learning theory or theories that are applicable to the strategies included in the Problem-Solving and SOL Concept portion of the sample lesson plan.
Identify where digital technology has been used to enhance the lesson.
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