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Improving Your Speech Delivery Project ...

Improving Your Speech Delivery Project

This assignment includes two parts. Be sure to pay close attention to
the directions in each part as they build upon each other.

Part 1

Write and record a two-minute speech on any topic that is important to
you. Present your speech to an audience of one or more persons. You
may record the video and present the recorded version to the audience,
or you may present the speech in person and record it for submission
for this assignment. To record and upload the video of the speech to
YouTube, use the instructions found here. The instructions explain how
to obtain a link to your video on YouTube. Provide the link to the
video in your reflection statement in Part 2 of this assignment. Also,
include a transcript of your speech at the end of the reflection
statement in Part 2 of this assignment.

Have your audience use the following evaluation questions to evaluate
your delivery, and personally answer all the same questions for your

Did I use an extemporaneous delivery style?
Did I use appropriate notes but not read or memorize my speech?
Did I establish eye contact with my audience before I began my speech?
Did I maintain eye contact during my speech?
Did I use gestures in a natural way?
Did I have an appropriate posture?
Did I have an appropriate facial expression?
Did I vary my facial expression?
Did I speak loud enough to be heard clearly?
Did I speak with vocal variety?

In the reflection statement, include a link to your YouTube video.


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