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n your paper, explain the basis of a 360 deal, and how poor Hip Hop artists are lured by record labels
n your paper, explain the basis of a 360 deal, and how poor Hip Hop artists are lured by record labels ...
Writing Assignment #1
For the purposes of this assignment, please watch the following video in its entirety: I Apologize Part 1 in LA (D-Black/Tracey Mann) https://youtu.be/Z_HDo88u_zw.
Please provide me a synopsis of the video, including your own critique. In your paper, explain the basis of a 360 deal, and how poor Hip Hop artists are lured by record labels. Include a minimum of three external sources in your final paper and make sure to properly cite the selected resources using APA style. Your final paper must include a cover page and a reference page, and should include a minimum of at least 700 words (not including the cover and reference page). Additionally, the final draft should be double-spaced, free of grammatical and structural errors, and include standard margins and fonts. Please remember that this assignment, as well as all of the others associated with this course, is expected to be your own original work.
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