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Nursing care strategies for acutely unwell patients using clinical reasoning ...

Assessment 3 Task Information
Assessment 3: Case Study

This assessment enables students to apply knowledge from unit learnings to an issue requiring extended clinical reasoning. The assessment will engage students with the application of theory to practice and is designed to facilitate an understanding of the impact of illness on the patient. It is also intended to give students the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to use a clinical reasoning framework to plan the care of an acutely unwell patient
Weighting: 50%
Length and/or format: 2000 words +/- 10%.
Learning Outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4.

Students will respond to the following case study, following the instructions below:

  • Students will assess, prioritise, and plan the care of the case study patient using a clinical reasoning framework.
  • Your discussion must be cited and supported by a wide range of relevant and credible sources for each question below. There is no need to include an introduction or conclusion.
  • You are required to include a final reference list at the end. A minimum of 15 high-quality resources are to be used. All answers must be supported using a variety of high-quality primary evidence. Avoid using any one source repetitively.

You will be required to respond to the following sections:

1. Patient assessment (250 words):

  • Provide an initial impression of the patient and identify relevant and significant features from the patient presentation. Ensure you identify what the presenting condition/issue/concern is.
  • Identify further elements of a comprehensive nursing assessment (this is in addition to what has been done already, and can be presented as a list. If you repeat assessments, provide a rationale).

2. Disease pathophysiology and complications (750 words):

  • Discuss in detail the pathophysiology of the presenting condition/issue/concern and how the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms reflect the underlying pathophysiology.
  • Based on the patient’s history and presenting condition, he is at risk for complications. Choose two (2) possible complications from the list below and explain why he is at risk of developing these. You need to refer back to the patient details to support your answer:
    • Septic shock
    • Fluid overload
    • Respiratory failure
    • Acute kidney injury

3. Identify nursing issues (400 words):

  • Identify and prioritise 3 nursing issues you must address for the patient during their current admission, and justify why they are priorities. Support your discussion with evidence and data from the case study. These can be actual or at-risk issues and need to be written using the “issue, cause, evidence” format.

4. Nursing interventions (600 words):

  • Identify, rationalise, and explain, in order of priority, the nursing care strategies you should use or plan for within the first 24 hours of admission for the patient.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Students will submit electronically through the Assignment 3 dropbox.
  • The information will be presented as a question-and-answer format. There is no need to include an introduction or conclusion. Do not include the question in your assessment; just label it as 1), 2), etc. Each answer has a word limit; answers beyond this limit will not be considered in your mark.
  • This assessment task will be graded against a standardised criterion-referenced rubric, which can be accessed via the Assignment 3 dropbox.

Return of Assignment:

  • Assessments will be returned electronically through CANVAS after final unit results are released.

How should I prepare for my assessment?

  • Complete weeks 1 to 5 tutorials and modules 1 to 10 on CANVAS.

  • The content will help you develop an understanding of the nursing role in recognising, responding, and escalating care for a deteriorating patient, as well as planning the care of a patient using a clinical reasoning framework.

  • Complete the case study in module 10 on CANVAS.

  • Attend/watch the Assessment 3 Q&A zoom session on 1st May 2024 at 11am (the session will be recorded and placed on here after the session).

  • Start researching your topic early, and create a reference list.

    • The information you include to support your discussion must be drawn from reputable sources. These may include peer-reviewed articles, textbooks, reputable websites (e.g., Government websites or WHO), and/or governing documents.
    • Ensure you keep a record of any references that you have used.
    • You must use appropriate in-text referencing for any direct quotes, information, or illustrations that are not your own, as well as for information from current journal articles or textbooks.

Academic Skills Unit (ASU) general assessment resources:

  • Academic writing resources
  • Incorporating evidence and paraphrasing
  • Interpreting the marking rubric
  • Reading strategies


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