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Discuss the four Cs that are determinants of high performing teams, and explain ...

Discuss the four Cs that are determinants of high performing teams,
and explain how they contribute to the improving team performance.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


By what means can collective bargaining agreements be enforced? ...

By what means can collective bargaining agreements be enforced?
Discuss the five principles that govern the arbitration of grievances
under collective bargaining. What measures are utilized in non-union
environments? Your response should be at least 300 words in length.



How does an arbitrator determine that a company had just cause for taking a disc ...

How does an arbitrator determine that a company had just cause for
taking a disciplinary action? What remedy might an arbitrator choose
if a company did not have just cause? Will the process be different if
the organization does not have union representation? If so how? Your
response should be at least 300 words in length.


What are some cultures around the world where you might want to utilize more one ...

Different cultures value personal, face-to-face contact and
relationships with a different levels of reverence. What are some
cultures around the world where you might want to utilize more
one-on-one contact rather than sole use of technology to motivate
employees? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


What does effective global leadership achieve? What are the different roles that ...

What does effective global leadership achieve? What are the
different roles that managers on international assignment often assume
to enhance leadership effectiveness? Choose one country in South
America and one country in Europe to describe some of the
differences.Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


What differences would a manager have to be aware of if doing business in Africa ...

Technology is one of the methods used in business overseas. Describe
the impact of e-business on leadership. What differences would a
manager have to be aware of if doing business in Africa, Australia, or
South America? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


Describe positive and negative outcomes that can result from societal, political ...

Describe positive and negative outcomes that can result from
societal, political, and cultural differences when managing a
corporation in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and
Australia.Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


If you were to go work overseas, what have you learned from this course that wou ...

If you were to go work overseas, what have you learned from this
course that would help you be a better business person in a foreign
In your new position as a manager in a foreign nation, what systems
will you want to put in place to make you more effective and enhance
productivity? How will you respond when there is a small clash between
your personal values and the cultural values of your new home? Your
response must be at least 100 words in length.


Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca PLC ...

Write at least a three-page analysis using the case study on
pages 343-344 of your textbook: “Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca

Your analysis should address the prompts listed below.

Critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate management practices.
Surveys show that most expatriates report feeling the strain of
managing the demands of work and home while adjusting to the foreign
environment, leading to more anxieties at home and at the workplace.
What steps can an organization take to mitigate this?
What decisions related to expatriates can organizations take to
maximize the benefits to the company despite the economic downturn? Do
you think a company that paid more careful attention to selection
could further boost its chances of success?

Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting
all resources, both in-text citations and references. Your analysis
should include a title page and a reference page.


Discuss how expatriates experience reverse culture shock in the repatriation pro ...

Discuss how expatriates experience reverse culture shock in
the repatriation process. What can companies do to help expatriates
continue to be part of their home communities? If you were going
through the repatriation process, what would you want the company to
do for you and your family? Your response should be a minimum of 100
