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A collective problem-solving method ...

2. Essay, 2000 words (70% of final grade)

Analyse a particular collective problem-solving method, making reference to a particular case of this method.

Your analysis should answer the following questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen method? 
  • When and where might it be most appropriately deployed? 
  • What other research and innovation methods, from this course, Methods 1 or elsewhere, might be used in conjunction?


Critical Reflection on the Methodology ...

  • In your own words, present a critical reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen methodology.
  • Do these ideas contrast or coincide with the criticisms about the methodology(ies) limitation commented on in the module?


Recommended Actions to Address the Problems ...

Based on your application, provide a statement of recommended actions that could be implemented to address the problems and issues associated with the problem context as explained in the case study


Application of the Chosen Systems Methodology ...

Apply your choice of systems methodology in full


Selection of Systems-Based Methodology ...

  • Based on the previous identification, select the systems-based methodology(ies) you choose as adequate frameworks to understand/analyse the problem context.
  • Make sure you justify your choice of systems methodology.


Identification of Problem Context and Complexity Dimensions ...

Identify the different aspects of the problem context and the form(s) of complexity—technical, process, structural, people, organisational, or power—each of those dimensions are associated with.


Critique of the System Dynamics Methodology ...

Critically evaluate the System Dynamics methodology as a suitable strategy/tool for revealing insights and informing actions in complex problem situations.


Identifying Leverage Variables for a Solution ...

  • Based on your model, identify one course of action (leverage variables) which you believe will help improve the effects of the grand challenge.
  • Evaluate how much this suggested strategy differs or coincides with existing actions and measures currently in place to address the problem.


Analysis of the Problem through System Dynamics ...

  • Present an explanation of the grand challenge based on the model you have developed. You do not need to go through every single relationship in the model but should identify how the problem structure conditions/limits/determines the behavior of the problem under scrutiny.
  • Assume you are explaining to a non-expert audience what the problem context is, how it is possible to make sense of such a complex situation, and why some commonly acceptable “solutions” are short-lived or do not solve the root causes of the problem.


Causal-Loop Diagram and Variables ...

Create a causal-loop diagram OF YOUR OWN. The model should contain no less than 20 variables. Balancing and reinforcing loops should be clearly indicated, and the value – positive or negative – of every single connector has to be stated.
