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State of Nature and the Social Contract ...

The Social Contract as viewed by Hobbes and Rousseau has been viewed by some as a guarantee of security under an absolute authority or as an opportunity for the coming together of individuals for the sake of engaging the ‘general-will’. In your view, which of these two views is the more plausible outcome of the Social Contract, and why?


The “State of Nature” and the Social Contract ...

The “state of nature” is a theoretical scenario used by political philosophers to speculate on human nature as it would purportedly appear without the effect of society. Does this scenario have merit as a means of exploring humanity, society, and the nature of power and justice, despite none of us today being born into a “state of nature”? Develop your answer using the thinkers we have investigated in weeks 2 and 3 of the unit.


Applying Health Behavior Theories in Chronic Illness Management ...

Provide a detailed education plan that incorporates a health behavior theory relevant to the person’s condition, and explain how this theory helps in achieving the set SMART goals and addressing care priorities.


Planning Health Education for Patients ...

Outline the health education you as a nurse will provide the interviewee which will help them to achieve their first SMART goal, and therefore address their first priority. Provide a detailed education plan that incorporates a health behavior theory and contains specific information about the exact education you will provide (e.g., What exactly will you say to the interviewee? How/where/why it will be conducted? What equipment will be required? What legal and ethical matters will you need to consider? How will the education be evaluated?).


Developing SMART Goals in Chronic Illness Care ...

Outline the first SMART goal you have developed in collaboration with the interviewee. Why was this chosen? How will the SMART goal address the interviewee's first priority?


How can you identify care priorities for a patient with a chronic illness or dis ...

Based on the interview, identify two (2) relevant care priorities in collaboration with the interviewee. For each identified care priority, outline and discuss one (1) SMART goal and one (1) health education plan relevant for the person to meet the SMART goal developed in collaboration with the person.


Chronic Illness and Disability Management ...

You are required to conduct a face-to-face, phone, or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life. You will need to prepare for your interview. McGrath, Palmgren & Liljedahl (2019) suggest twelve steps for conducting research interviews as a guide; this article is linked under the Assessment 2 information on Canvas. Based on the information obtained during the interview and in collaboration with the interviewee, identify two (2) relevant care priorities. For each identified care priority, outline and discuss one (1) SMART goal and one (1) health education plan relevant for the person to meet the SMART goal developed in collaboration with the person.
What are the key objectives of managing patients with chronic illness or disability?


Catholic Social Teaching and Virtue Ethics ...

Answer the following question in the form of a research essay. Your essay should evaluate whether Catholic Social Teaching and Virtue Ethics provide a justified alternative to predominant political, social, and moral frameworks. Support your argument with evidence from at least six peer-reviewed sources in addition to the prescribed readings.

Question 4: Supporters view Catholic Social Teaching and Virtue Ethics as an alternative to predominant political, social, and moral frameworks. Are they justified in this belief? Why/Why not?


Spengler's Decline of Western Civilization ...

Answer the following question in the form of a research essay. Your essay should engage with Spengler’s idea that Western civilization is in irreversible decline. Evaluate whether his views are justified or overly fatalistic. Provide a detailed analysis and reasons supporting your position, using at least six peer-reviewed sources in addition to the prescribed readings.

Question 3: According to Spengler, Western civilisation is in a stage of irreversible decline. Do you think that his ideas are warranted or is this an overly fatalistic outlook? Support your answer by engaging in Spengler’s concerns and providing reasons as to why he is or isn’t correct.


Justice in a Diverse Society ...

Answer the following question in the form of a research essay. Your essay should discuss how a diverse society with various conceptions of the good can enact justice. Evaluate the extent to which this is possible and provide detailed reasons for your stance, consulting at least six peer-reviewed sources in addition to the prescribed readings.

Question 2: How, and to what extent, can a diverse society containing various conceptions of the good enact justice?
