Extended essays are not only indispensable components of International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programs, they are actually mandatory. Writing an exceptional extended essay requires extensive research, thinking outside the box, clarity, and discipline among other skills.
Given that extended essays account for up to a third of IB diploma grades, it is paramount that you ace your extended essay assignment. Thankfully, extended essay writing help is within your reach. MidasNib is a vastly experienced writing agency with an outstanding reputation when it comes to IB extended essay writing.
An extended essay is a well-researched, independent piece of writing based on IB diploma students’ preferred topics. A typical extended essay is 4000 words long, research-backed, and well-formatted. Writing extended essays equips students with practical research skills and helps them develop a wholesome approach to issues.
In most instances, you are at liberty to choose the topic your extended essay will focus on. Topics can be drawn from any academic discipline, for instance, literature, mathematics, or even history. We have outstanding writers adept at multiple disciplines and we would like to welcome you to our extended essay writing agency.
IB extended essays are classified as academic pieces and must therefore be written formally and within the constraints of academic writing. Your extended essay advisor will provide you with EE requirements and assessment guidelines, to guide you write a great extended essay. Underneath is a summary of the primary constituents of IB extended essays.
An extended essay’s research question refers to the main question, the EE seeks to provide an answer to. A good research question dwells on your title and opens the door for further insight.
The cover/title page of an extended essay should clearly include the essay's title, the research question, the essay's word count, and the respective IB diploma discipline. Extended essays on world studies should also include the respective theme.
Compared to other pieces of academic writing, extended essays are quite lengthy (at 4000 words). It is therefore important to include a contents page to help the reader access the essay’s content easily.
An introduction is the first piece of your extended essay and it should introduce your readers to your chosen topic. In addition, your introduction should communicate the importance of your research question to the reader.
Writing the main body is undoubtedly the hardest and most laborious part of writing an IB extended essay. The body makes an argument, tables supportive evidence, and highlights its relevance. The main body should be formatted appropriately and the main talking points should be laid out systematically and methodically.
A conclusion sums up the essay's main talking points, restates the research question, and recommends topics or disciplines worth researching on in the future. In concluding your extended essay, make certain that your summary is synthesized, succinct, and easy to read.
A bibliography lists all scholarly resources used to support your argument or provide context. This includes books, published journals, and website content among others. You should cite your sources from the beginning to avert missing out on important sources.
Writing an extended essay is one of the most exhausting tasks you’ll have to complete throughout your IB diploma program. With plenty of other academic and non-academic projects demanding your attention, hiring an expert EE writer promises to free up your schedule.
Additionally, entrusting your extended essay with a professional writing agency guarantees you a higher score. Professionals understand all the nitty-gritty of writing an outstanding extended essay and this guarantees you an excellent score. If you need a well-written, well-structured, individualized, and absorbing extended essay, do not shy to ask for aid from expert writers.
Despite numerous online platforms purporting to offer expert extended essay writing services, getting genuine professional writers is quite difficult. We understand that the last thing you would want is to get a helper who delivers behind schedule or substandard work.
MidasNib is a genuine, client-centered writing agency founded on integrity, hard work, and professionalism. We have an illustrious track record evidenced by testimonials from our past and present clients. Beneath are legitimate reasons illustrating why your extended essay project is best handled by us.
We have partnered with high-end writers who specialize in extended essay writing to ensure that your project is flawlessly executed by a professional. Our crème-de-la creme team of EE writers will conduct thorough research, authentically compose your extended essay, and structure it according to your specifications.
As a professional writing agency, we greatly value authenticity. We deliver individualized extended essays customized to match your instructions. Completed essays are extensively looked at by our trained editors to ensure that they are 100% original. For utmost accuracy, we also utilize plagiarism-checking software.
We value our clients greatly and we are determined to fulfill our promise of being there for them whenever they need us. Our customer support team is open to receiving your orders, queries, and feedback 24/7. To get in touch with us, click on the contacts page.
Our writing services are not only constrained to extended essay writing, we also offer professional help in other academic assignments. Access a wide range of writing services all under one roof by partnering with MidasNib. A catalog of the writing services we offer is available on the services page.
If you are dissatisfied with the submitted extended essay, you are within your rights to demand unpaid revision. This is however rare given that our essays are triple-checked before submission to ensure that they are up to standard.
Get that outstanding grade you have been wishing for by entrusting your extended essay project to our vetted professional writers.
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